That's so gay
Whenever someone calls something "gay" in a pejorative way, I think of my old schoolmate and co-worker Ryan O'Keefe. Ol' Keefer was the all-time king of calling bad things "gay". You might say he was a real gaylord. Everything he didn't like was "gay", and sometimes it seemed he didn't like anything except the word "gay", which he loved.
This habit was bound to eventually get him in trouble with Miss Stamp, his English teacher, who was one of the many things he didn't seem to like and who, as it happened, was widely reputed to be a lesbian. Sure enough, the way I heard it, the inevitable happened. Miss Stamp said something Ryan didn't like—gave a hard assignment or something like that. Ryan winced and said, "Aw, that's so gay! Why do you have to be so gay?"
Then, as he realized what he'd just said and to whom, his eyes widened in horror, and with an "Oh, shiiiit!", he ran out of the classroom in panic.
Calling things "gay" is so retarded.
"This habit was bound to eventually get him in trouble with Miss Stamp, his English teacher, who was one of the many things he didn't seem to like..."
I'm just curious as to whether Miss Stamp was an object to him, you, or both. It seems like every school class has one teacher of each gender who is suspected to be gay. In the case of my grade school, eventually those two teachers started dating each other. The logical conclusion was that they were just trying to throw everyone else off their scent.
Coincidentally, the act of calling things "gay" has recently received criticism in one of our more politically sensitive (read "bored") rags (read "newspapers").
For those of you who desire an ad nauseum discussion of this topic, feel free to hit
and marvel at the stupidity of discussion that occurs in the so-called "quality" press of these British Isles.
Prhead: I know. It's totally lame.
Fed Ex: Of course Miss Stamp was an object to me. She was a woman, after all.
GC: The article you linked to (or didn't link to, Mr. I-Don't-Use-HTML-Tags) reminds me of someone -- I can't remember who right now -- whose toddler actually did use arbitrary insults to deride arbitrary things. He'd say "Math is sad" and "Homework is fat" and things like that.
All this calling people un-PC things is totally adopted.
I mean, stop being do Down Syndrome, everybody!
I think that story demands closure --- I mean, he had to come back into the room sometime, right?
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