Thursday, August 26, 2004

Nerdy? Funny? Double positive!

Only a linguistics fan, an editor, or a hopeless nerd could enjoy this joke, which I ran across today via a leisurely Wikipedia-browsing marathon that eventually led me to the entry on philosophy professor Sidney Morgenbesser of Columbia University, who passed away at the beginning of this month. Fortunately, I am all three of these things.
A linguistics professor was lecturing to his class one day. "In English," he said, "A double negative forms a positive. In some languages, though, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. However, there is no language wherein a double positive can form a negative."

A voice from the back of the room piped up, "Yeah, right."


Blogger Peter Lynn said...

Actually, I made a point of telling this one to a particular co-worker, knowing full well that she wouldn't get it. What I got in return was the most beautiful "waiting for the punchline" expression ever -- it was all open-mouthed anticipation and blankness. Even more rewarding than laughter, in its way.

9/01/2004 11:33:00 AM  

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